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Friday, February 21, 2014

$1.5M available for historic property damaged by Sandy

National Park Service:
“The National Park Service is making $1.5 million available for owners of historic properties that sustained damage when Hurricane Sandy lashed Virginia in October 2012. The grant money is available to private property owners, organizations or local governments. The properties must be within the disaster areas that were declared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Owners of historic properties can seek reimbursement funds for repairs they have already made or are planning.

The grants range from $10,000 to $25,000. FEMA declared 29 jurisdictions in Virginia post-storm disaster areas. They include portions of northern Virginia, the Northern Neck, Eastern Shore and areas of the Shenandoah Valley, among others. The Virginia Department of Historic Resources will disburse the funds. Applications are due by March 28.”

~Writes the Virginia Pilot

Thursday, February 13, 2014

View Hampton's Flood Map

City of Hampton:
To view the flood map for Hampton, click here. This map shows the flood marks for various hurricane categories.