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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Digging into the Virginia Beach dredging project

Virginia Beach:
“In 2011, Virginia Beach introduced a program to help waterfront residents dredge waterways. Currently, there are more than 20 areas in different stages of the program… In the first step of the program, residents approach the city expressing their interest.

Three sources fund the program: a city contribution, a surcharge on real estate taxes for waterfront property owners who are serviced by the channel system, and through lump sum payments by waterfront residents if they choose to have individual access channels and turning basins.

If 80 percent of potential district members consent through a petition process, Public Works presents City Council with an ordinance to create a special tax district to help fund the dredging. Residents in the district will pay the surcharge on real estate taxes for 16 years.”
~Writes Stacy Parker of The Virginian-Pilot

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