Coastal Virginia:
“Tim Folger’s popular National Geographic article focuses on
the dangers of sea level rise across the planet, to which Virginia’s coasts
will also be vulnerable. In addition to demonstrating that our planet’s coasts
will be vulnerable, Folger goes on further to point out the economic risks
rising seas pose and possible solutions for mitigating those risks.
Folger thinks sea level rise is no longer a secret or
something we can keep denying, but rather he thinks it’s a reality we will all
need to face sooner or later. As
discussed in Part I of this Blog article, while Folger did not discuss the
risks for Virginia specifically, the Virginia coasts are not immune to rising
seas. In fact, Virginia’s expansive
low-lying coast with a consistently increasing population make the risks of sea
level rise a very serious threat.
Further, the economic impacts of sea level rise Folger points to are
equally true for Virginia’s coasts.
What remains unclear is whether the solutions being looked
at by New York City, New Orleans, and the Netherlands are also solutions for
Virginia’s coasts.”
~Writes Kelsey Baack of the Virginia Coastal Policy Clinic
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