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Monday, April 21, 2014

National Geographic, Sea Level Rise, and Virginia’s Coasts: Part I: The Threat is Real

Coastal Virginia:
“In a recent and popular article, National Geographic’s Tim Folger addressed the dangerous effects of rising seas across the world.   The article focused on more extreme weather events resulting from climate change and was paired with an interactive map showing the dangers of sea level rise across the world.  While the article doesn’t focus on Virginia, it’s clear from the maps and general issues discussed that Virginia will not be exempt from the dangers of sea level rise.

In the fall of 2012, the Northeast was devastated by Hurricane Sandy.  Through the course of its destruction, Hurricane Sandy managed to cause $19 billion in damages and the loss of forty-three lives. While the article focused primarily on the effects of Sandy on NY (for good reason), we should not be quick to forget that this storm also wreaked havoc on Virginia.  In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, 5,100 Virginia homes were left without power 2 and much of eastern Virginia was flooded, ultimately causing 100 closed roads”
~Writes Kelsey Baack of the Virginia Coastal Policy Clinic

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