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Friday, July 18, 2014

Gov. Terry McAuliffe puts state climate panel back in action

Governor’s Office:
“Virginia’s governor… [3 months ago] told a gathering at the Environment Virginia Symposium something they hadn’t heard from that office in four years: Climate change is real, humans have a hand in it and the commonwealth’s coastal communities are under a great threat.

‘If we want to help the environment tomorrow, we have to make smart, common-sense decisions today. The first big decision is to accept climate change is real,’ Gov. Terry McAuliffe said. ‘I believe humans contribute to climate change. I think it’s pretty much settled. I think the impacts are felt today.’

McAuliffe’s remarks were met with a round of applause by local government officials, policymakers and environmentalists who were gathering… for a three-day environmental symposium at Virginia Military Institute. The governor plans to reactivate a climate change commission to advise him on what can be done to protect Virginia.

The new governor said the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration pegs the Hampton Roads area as the second-most vulnerable in the nation, right behind New Orleans.”
~Writes Luanne Rife of the Roanoke Times

Click here for the article

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